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Click on any of the images for a close-up and explanation.  This is my homage to my partner of 27 years, Dwight Leigh Sands.


I am most happy to assist you in creating your work of art, life journal and/or ceremony to honor your loved one's life.  Making art of one's life work is a way of processing your grief and assists you in focusing on your own sense of completion and new direction.


Begin with my free course, The Grief Gateway, How to Create a Tribute to Your Lost Loved One, or, when you are ready to begin building the new phase of your life, progress to my Beyond Loss to a Blessed Life course. Details of both are available by clicking the image.



temple gateway

Death and Ascension

Life is our precious gift.  To live in the now moment is our way of cherishing that gift.  Thought we make plans, deciding what to plant, what to nourish, what to weed out of our lives, all of those activities can be done with an awareness of the present moment.


Oftentimes, when you lose a loved one, you regret those moments when you were not fully present.  You wish you could relive some of the wonderful times you shared. You may even wish you had done or said something differently.


The experiences of so many people who have felt their loved ones communicate from beyond the Earth tell us that forgiveness for any of our mistakes seems to be an automatic part of the process.  Nearly all reports of after death communication are messages of complete love and reassurance that the departed one is in a wonderful place.


Death is an ascension into a higher frequency of life. And just like the changing seasons of Earth, life continues.  New forms are born.  We honor the ascended one by being grateful for all that we shared and shifting our earthly focus to the love which remains.  That Infinite Love is everywhere that we are when we are totally present.


Whether crying or dancing, doing our daily work or celebrating, we can continue our relationship with our beloved at this higher frequency.  That frequency is what we call Love.  It is time to breathe it in, embody it, and pass it on.



bridge into misty forest
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